How long can you take the heat?   

I've been putting out fires for years but now I'm flying into them.  I was a middle school STEM and Media Literacy teacher until the big fire (Covid-19) burned most everything.  Now I'm flying the LX Designer plane and repairing broken parts in the training garage.  


Competencies are the gas that flies the LX Designer plane.  It is a mixture of adaptability, initiative, problem-solving, collaboration, and listening.  In order to supply the fuel, it is driven by creativity and mindfulness.

Drag and Drop Interview

This Storyline 360 is an interactive drag-and-drop with video with closed captions.  This drag and drop uses an array of advanced variables to engage the viewer using the S.T.A.R interview method in a whole new way! 

Kevin's "Never On A Resume Job Challenges".

Goal: Create an engaging interactive Storyline presentation to highlight competencies for :



Interactive Interview

This  Articulate 360  includes a video, edited using Camtasia, to create an engaging interview about my interests. 



TRAINING:  ATD Greater Philadelphia Region


GAMIFICATION: Sententia Game Garage


Kevin Corcoran is accomplished instructor who has experience in a wide variety of learning environments. He has worked with a diverse population.  He thrives on finding answers and making it work. He is open to new ideas and understanding how systems interact to ensure the best ROI. He believes in the importance of forming partnerships to see the big picture, which is “What do people need to do?”