Client Samples

Public Utility

LX Designer

Contract: West Coast Utility Company's Field Equipment Engineers Regulatory Examines. 

Goal: Upgrade 32 Storyline regulatory examines to meet current regulatory requirements as well as new company brand guidelines.  


Conditions:  Multiple revisions based on the number of SME turnover.

No Source Code

This project involved duplicating an AWS Educate into twenty Storyline modules ranging from Cybersecurity to Data Transformation without the source.  The Canvas modules were the only guide to follow for accuracy.  

This was a challenging e-developer project because of the wide range of Storyline interactions without the use of seen variables. 


CONTENT DEVELOPMENT: ADDIE | SAM | Kirkpatrick's 4 Levels of Evaluation | Bloom's Taxonomy | Mager's ABCD | Merrill's Principles of Instruction | Gagne's 9 Events | Action Mapping

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY: Facilitation | Presentations | Blended Learning | Gamification | Flipped Instruction | Formative and Summative Assessments | Collaborative Learning | Growth Mindset | Storytelling | Microlearning | Design Thinking

TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY: Articulate Storyline and Rise | Camtasia | Premier Pro and Aero | Augmented Reality ZapWorks | Microsoft Office Suite | Google Workplace Suite | Zoom | Discord | Slack | Audacity | Sketch-Up | Game Maker | GIMP | Captivate | 7Taps | isEazy 


TRAINING:  ATD Greater Philadelphia Region


GAMIFICATION: Sententia Game Garage


Kevin Corcoran is accomplished instructor who has experience in a wide variety of learning environments. He has worked with a diverse population.  He thrives on finding answers and making it work. He is open to new ideas and understanding how systems interact to ensure the best ROI. He believes in the importance of forming partnerships to see the big picture, which is “What do people need to do?”